view:31403 Last Update: 2024-12-4
Project Title | Responsibility | Start Date | End Date | Kind of Project | Commander | Availibility |
Ichnology of Dinosaur tracks in Shemshak Formaation, Baladeh area, central Alborz | Leader | March 2010 | August 2012 | |||
Trace fossils from Cretaceous flysch sediments of west Siahrud area, Eastren Azarbahjan province | Leader | February 2008 | February 2009 | Basic | Zanjan unviversity | |
Vertebrat footprints from Miocene Upper Red Formation, Mushampa area, West Zanjan, NW Iran | Leader | February 2004 | March 2005 | Basic | Zanjan Unversity | |
Thalassinoides Ichnofabrics of Oligocene sediments of Ali Abad, Qom area, Central Iran | Leader | February 2006 | February 2006 | Basic | Zanjan Unvirsity | |
Report of vertebrate fossils from Kohol area NW of Tabriz, E Azarbaijan pronce, NW Iran | Colleague | March 2001 | March 2002 | Basic | Organization of Environmet affaires of Iran | |
Geological classification of Marls Qezelozan river in Zanjan Pronince | Leader | August 1998 | February 2001 | Basic resaerch | - |