view:15187 Last Update: 2022-10-13
علمی-پژوهشی Scopus | 16.
Taher Yousefi Amiri, Mahdi maleki, Abbas Aghaeinezhad Performance of Cu-SiO2 Aerogel Catalyst in Methanol Steam Reforming: Modeling of hydrogen production using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neuron Networks Korean Chemical Engineering Research Issue 61 (2023-05-12) PP. 328-339
نشریه علمی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 15.
مهدی ملکی کاکلر, سینا حسینی, علی محمدی Feasibility of Using Carbonic Anhydrase in Bio Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide: Challenges and Opportunities نشریه مهندسی شیمی ایران- انجمن شیمی ایران شماره 21 (1401/11/19) صفحات 7-21
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 14.
Seyed Mohammad Mirshahmohammad, Hamid Rahmani, Mahdi maleki, Abbas Ali Bahari Performance of biological methods on self-healing and mechanical properties of concrete using S. pasteurii ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH Issue (2022-08-05) PP. 1-17
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 13.
Seyed Mohammad Mirshahmohammad, Hamid Rahmani, Mahdi maleki, Abbas Ali Bahari Effect of sustained service loads on the self-healing and corrosion of bacterial concretes CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS Issue 322 (2022-03-07) PP. 1-15
علمی-پژوهشی Scopus | 12.
Mahdi maleki, Abbas Aghaeinezhad, Shadi sanjideh, Mohammad Javad Azarhoush Cost-Effective Optimization of Bacterial Urease Activity Using a Hybrid Method Based on Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks Environmental processes Issue 9 (2022-01-24) PP. 1-24
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 11.
Mahdi maleki, Mohammad Javad Azarhoush, Sina Golmohammadi, Abbas Aghaeinezhad Urease production using corn steep liquor as a low-cost nutrient source by Sporosarcina pasteurii: biocementation and process optimization via artificial intelligence approaches ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH Issue / (2021-10-01) PP. 1-15
علمی-پژوهشی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 10.
مهدی ملکی کاکلر, محسن یاوری Field Scale Application of Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation in Soil Improvement: Challenges and Opportunities علوم آب و خاک شماره 24 (1399/03/10) صفحات 251-267
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 9.
Zahra Sheykhi, Hossein pir kharati, Farrokh Asadzadeh, Mahdi maleki Application of response surface methodology for optimization of zinc elimination from a polluted soil using tartaric acid ADSORPTION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Issue 38 (2020-04-21) PP. 79-93
علمی-پژوهشی لیست وزارتین | 8.
Mahdi maleki, Mohsen Yavari, Mohammad Reza Yousefi, Amir nimtaj The Influential Factors in the Effectiveness of Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) for Soil Consolidation Journal of Human Environment and Health Promotion Issue 6 (2020-02-26) PP. 40-46
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 7.
Farrokh Asadzadeh, Mahdi maleki, Farzin shabani Predicting cationic exchange capacity in calcareous soils of East-Azerbaijan province, northwest Iran COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS Issue 10.1080/00103624.2019.1604728 (2019-04-18) PP. 1-11
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 6.
Farrokh Asadzadeh, Mahdi maleki, Nooshin soltani nezhad, Farzin shabani Central Composite Design Optimization of Zinc Removal from Contaminated Soil, Using Citric Acid as Biodegradable Chelant Scientific Reports Issue 8 (2018-02-08) PP. 1-8
علمی-پژوهشی معتبر | 5.
فرخ اسدزاده, مهدی ملکی کاکلر, محسن برین Removal of Cadmium (II) from aqueous solution by Populus nigra sawdust as a low-cost biosorbent: Process optimization by using response surface methodology اکوهیدرولوژی شماره 3 (1395/11/20) صفحات 587-596
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 4.
Mahdi maleki, Ebrahimi siroos, Mohammad Javad Hosseini Improvement in soil grouting by biocementation through injection method Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering Issue 11 (2016-11-30) PP. 930-938
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 3.
Mahdi maleki, Ebrahimi siroos Up-scaling application of microbial carbonate precipitation: optimization of urease production using response surface methodology and injection modification INT J ENVIRON SCI TE Issue 13 (2016-10-31) PP. 2619-2628
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 2.
مهدی ملکی کاکلر, ابراهیمی سیروس, فرخ اسدزاده, مهرداد امامی تبریزی Evaluation of the Efficiency of Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation For Loose Sand Dunes Fixation تحقیقات آب و خاک ایران -پردیس کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی دانشگاه تهران شماره 47 (1395/04/15) صفحات 407-415
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 1.
Mahdi maleki, Ebrahimi siroos, Farrokh Asadzadeh, Mehrdad Emami Tabrizi Performance of microbial-induced carbonate precipitation on wind erosion control of sandy soil INT J ENVIRON SCI TE Issue 13 (2016-02-29) PP. 937-944
Presentations in Seminars & Conferences | |
ملی معتبر |
7. Mohammad Reza Yousefi, Mohsen Yavari, Mahdi maleki Efficiency enhancement of solar chimney power plant by use of the exhaust gas from the furnace of Mining Industry -- دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2019-12-18 - 2019-12-18 |
ملی معتبر |
6. Mahdi maleki, Mohsen Yavari, Mohammad Reza Yousefi Biomineralazation of Carbon Dioxide From Cement Industries Through Anaerobic Digestion -- گروه مهندسی معدن دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2019-12-18 - 2019-12-18 |
ملی معتبر |
5. Mahdi maleki, Mohammad Reza Yousefi Biogrout Production: Integration Potential and Research Challenges International Catalysis Conference دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2018-09-01 - 2018-09-02 |
ملی معتبر |
4. Mahdi maleki, Mohammad Reza Yousefi . International Catalysis Conference دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2018-09-01 - 2018-09-02 |
بینالمللی |
3. Mahdi maleki, Mohsen Yavari, Farrokh Asadzadeh Feasibility Study of Mineral CO2 Sequestration by Anaerobic Digestion Process International Conference on Recent Innovation in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی, تهران, 2018-02-02 - 2018-02-02 |
بینالمللی |
2. Mahdi maleki, Ebrahimi siroos, Mohsen Yavari Development of a Simple and Cost-effective method for Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) International Conference on Recent Innovation in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering سایر دانشگاهه, تهران, 2018-02-02 - 2018-02-02 |
بینالمللی |
1. Mahdi maleki, Ebrahimi siroos, Farrokh Asadzadeh Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) as a Select Plugging Technique International Conference on Recent Innovation in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering سایر دانشگاهها, تهران, 2018-02-02 - 2018-02-02 |